badge-gen Demo

The path formats contains elements in <angle> and [square] brackets. All elements in angle brackets are mandantory while those in square brackets are optional. Colors need to be specified as 3 or 6 character hex codes (for example 4c1 or e05d44). Text needs to be URL encoded.

ServiceExamplePath Format
AUR package last update /aur/updated/<package name>
AUR package license /aur/license/<package name>
AUR package version /aur/version/<package name>
AUR package votes /aur/votes/<package name>
GitHub downloads by release /github/downloads/<user>/<repo>/<tag or "latest">
GitHub downloads by release and asset /github/downloads/<user>/<repo>/<tag or "latest">/<asset>
GitHub downloads by repo /github/downloads/<user>/<repo>
GitHub latest release /github/latest-release/<user>/<repo>
GitHub latest tag /github/latest-tag/<user>/<repo>
GitHub repo license /github/license/<user>/<repo>
Github stars by repository /github/stars/<user>/<repo>
LiberaPay Amount Giving /liberapay/<user>/giving
LiberaPay Amount Receiving /liberapay/<user>/receiving
Static Badge /static/<title>/<text>/[color]
Travis-CI /travis/<user>/<repo>/[branch]
Twitch views /twitch/views/<user login/id>

Made with and Go by Knut Ahlers

badge-gen v1.17.1